Shield of Dreams

Top 10 Best Video Game Shields of All Time!

Night Mode

The oldest forms of shields date back to prehistoric times, and their intended purpose hasn’t changed much throughout the ages. Although they play a significant role in warfare, it’s easy to overlook their importance since everyone is so focused on weaponry. This website has previously taken a look at gaming’s most iconic swords and guns, so it’s about time that shields are acknowledged in a similar way. Shields come in all shapes and sizes, and they can be made from a variety of materials. Although their primary purpose is to provide protection, the most interesting shields have extra features. Some of the shields on this list are being recognized for how much defense they provide while others are being mentioned for their overall versatility. Aesthetics are important too, so we’ll look at both form and function. Bonus points will be given to shields that are important to a game’s narrative structure, but that probably goes without saying.

Examples: Captain America’s Shield, Yata Mirror, Brooke

Enchanted Vault Door


Enchanted Vault Door

League of Legends

The beloved hero of Reljord can be recognized by his bulging biceps, but it’s his huge heart that ultimately defines him. Although he could have used his muscles to intimidate or bully others, he was raised to be a friend to those in need. Braum is strong enough to fall an entire forest in a single night, but he ran into a roadblock while trying to rescue a kidnapped child. When he was unable to knock down an enchanted vault door, he simply broke through the mountain instead. He then took the door and used it as a shield! The indestructible shield can negate damage and intercept projectiles. This makes him an ideal choice for the frontlines, as his abilities prove pivotal for protecting vulnerable teammates in critical moments. Braum also has the option of smashing the enchanted shield into the ground in order to propel a line of ice at his enemies.

Olaf's Shield


Olaf’s Shield

The Lost Vikings

Although the main purpose of a shield is to provide protection, this isn’t their only function. Olaf the Stout has no means to attack his enemies, but he provides cover for his friends by blocking oncoming projectiles. He’s strong enough to ward off everything from arrows to boulders, and he also finds other creative ways to help out. By holding his shield above his head, Olaf acts as a temporary platform that allows the other Vikings to reach new heights. He can also use the shield as a makeshift hang glider to float down to lower levels. This is quite impressive given his considerable mass, and he can even paraglide while the other Vikings are standing on top of the shield! Olaf uses a “titanium dwarfing shield” in the sequel that somehow allows him to shrink, but I’m partial to the original wooden design since it amplifies the “man out of time” dynamic.





A legendary shield carried by both Zeus and Athena, Aegis was used to drive the Titans into the Underworld. Although the shield was eventually shattered, its power was retained in a burning effigy before it was refitted for Zagreus. The so-called Shield of Chaos is said to be uncontrollable, but it only serves to augment Zagreus’ might. The shield can block nearly everything – including attacks from bosses – and it also offers a host of other benefits. While wielding Aegis, Zagreus can bash his opponents into oblivion. If he decides to charge at his enemies while holding the shield, he will be immune to any oncoming attacks. The shield can also be used as a projectile, and it will ricochet off enemies before returning to Zagreus. Aegis has a number of “Aspects” that can be unlocked with Titan Blood, which adds to its versatility.

Alucard Shield


Alucard Shield

Castlevania Series

Alucard has access to over a dozen unique shields in Symphony of the Night, but none are more noteworthy than the one the bears his name. The Alucard Shield offers the best defense in the game by far, and the family heirloom can also become the most effective weapon in his arsenal. When used in tandem with the Shield Rod, the Alucard Shield consolidates the power from every other shield in the game. This allows Alucard to recover hearts and HP by hitting his enemies with the shield, and it also inflicts massive damage in the process. By simply walking into his foes while holding his shield, he can make quick work of even the toughest of opponents. Otherwise difficult boss battles can be toppled in a manner of seconds. If used correctly, the Alucard Shield is one of the most overpowered weapons in any game ever.

Z-4190 Bubble Shield


Z-4190 Bubble Shield

Halo Series

Traditional shields only fend off attacks from one direction. The Z-4190 bubble shield, in contrast, surrounds the user in a geodesic dome and provides protection from all angles. The deployable shields project a translucent sphere that can negate bullets, explosions, lasers, flames, and projectiles. Vehicles and personnel can freely pass through the shields, however, so they’re only effective against long-range assaults. Although the shields are used by the UNSC’s Office of Naval Intelligence, the technology was first used by the Warrior-Servant forces of the Forerunners before being reverse engineered by the Covenant. Despite their widespread use by numerous factions throughout the galaxy, the bubble shields have inherent flaws. They only last for 20 seconds before they’ll collapse, so they’re only a temporary solution.

Binding Shield


Binding Shield

Fire Emblem Series

The Binding Shield was forged by a divine entity and used to seal away hostile Earth Dragons who threatened humanity. Unfortunately, it was stolen by a thief who was unaware of its true purpose. The thief removed the gemstones from the shield with the intent to sell them, and he inadvertently weakened the seal over the Earth Dragons in the process. The shield made him a wealthy man, however, so he decided to use it as the emblem for his new kingdom. The shield, now known as the Fire Emblem, had a curse placed upon it that brought misery to all who used it. Eventually, a valiant prince named Marth was able to repair the shield by locating the missing jewels. With its true form restored, the Binding Shield allowed Marth to repel the Earth Dragons once more. As an added bonus, the shield allows its bearer to open any chest without a key!

Grass Crest Shield


Grass Crest Shield

Dark Souls

There are dozens of interesting Dark Souls shields that could have been mentioned on this list, but the effectiveness of any given shield is largely depends on the specific scenario. Small shields are a good fit for faster classes, for instance, while greatshields allow you to bash your opponents instead of merely parrying their attacks. The poison-resistant Spider Shield has the coolest design, and it’s hard to beat the Greatshield of Artorias when it comes to overall stability. The Grass Crest Shield is being singled out for its stamina regeneration properties. It’s especially helpful near the beginning of the game, and I can’t overstate how important stamina is to the series. There are better options if you prefer to take a methodical approach, but the Grass Crest Shield is the perfect choice if you’re the type who spends most of their time rolling around.




Rygar Series

Rygar’s signature diskarmor is an armament like no other. The legendary shield of the gods is a veritable Swiss army knife that gives Rygar a litany of ways to dispatch his mythological enemies. Although it looks like a typical shield at a glance, the diskarmor can also be used as a weapon. The metal shield can be swung like an improvised yo-yo, and it basically functions like a spinning mace on a chain. Rygar can upgrade the diskarmor to increase its power and length, and additional modifications were introduced in the PlayStation 2 remake. The grappling ability was especially handy, as it allowed Rygar to explore new areas. (It also makes julienne fries![citation needed]) Whether it’s being for protection, offense, or transportation, the diskarmor is one of the most dynamic accessories in gaming history. It basically defines the Rygar series.

Lord Camelot


Lord Camelot

Fate/Grand Order

Characters in FGO fall into one of several “servant classes” that make them adept with certain weapons and abilities. Mash Kyrielight is literally in a class of her own, as she’s the first Shielder in the series. Although her main focus is on protecting her allies, she can also use her cross-shaped shield to mash her opponents. We’ve seen her swing the shield like a club and throw it like a discus, and she can even use it to carry supplies! The shield – which was created from King Arthur’s Round Table – is known as Lord Camelot, but Mash knows neither its name nor its true function. Incidentally, the shield is fueled by will power! At one point, Mash uses the shield to block an attack that’s powerful enough to destroy the planet. Her body gives out but her will is unshakable, so the shield continues to provide cover even after she’s evaporated!

Hylian Shield


Hylian Shield

Zelda Series

Link is renowned as a swordsman who has used a myriad of weapons over the years. Hyrule’s champion has countless ways to dispatch his foes, but he’s also able to protect himself. Although they’re often overlooked, shields have played an important role in the Zelda series since the very beginning. They’re primarily used to deflect attacks, but not all shields are created equal. (The mirror shield in Majora’s Mask, as an example, could reflect light beams in order to solve puzzles.) The Hylian shield doesn’t have any special features, but it’s the most iconic shield in the franchise by virtue of the fact that it has appeared in over a dozen games – including crossover titles like SoulCalibur II. It’s also the most durable shield in Breath of the Wild, and it makes for a great improvised snowboard!


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